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Depth of Thoughts
I believe that very little will happen spiritually until you spend daily time with the Lord to hear and absorb what he desires of you to do with your life for today. The importance of life is how much quality time you spend with Christ, not how much time you spend with the sheep...
Brenda Kelly Ministries is covered by Your Prayers and Support.
Body of Christ Become Celebration
We are hearing and seeing a sharp cry as desires deepen for the true Corporate Unity, that our Lord and Saviour has already prepared for us to walk into. There is no time like now to come together, for worship & becoming His Word as one people, for there is One God! Let’s be led by Holy Spirit through Jesus as we then turn our face to the Father. We must become the people we were created to be!

They are women & men cut out for prayer in its purest, fiery, most passionate and excellent form of greater immediate results. It is about raising and commissioning highly trained skillful fearless prayer warriors to recover grounds lost by the church to the enemy. It is about providing high quality standards and excellent transforming leadership with a feminine touch and finesse. It is about living a life based on the philosophy of catalyzing overt positive changes. It is about knowing, teaching and demonstrating the ageless word of God accompanied with supernatural miracles, signs and wonders. It is about generating high quality human, material and financial resources to facilitate the quick growth of the work of the Kingdom of God. It is about acquiring the Fire of the Holy Spirit and spreading it. It is about ruling your world!