Receive the Lord

It is no accident that you have come to this web site and have also arrived at this page. Whether you are a church going Christian or non believer you have probably figured out that there is something missing in your life.
You have worked hard to either provide for yourself or your family and no matter what you try there always seems to be an emptiness in your heart. You have tried a lot of things to fill that void but nothing has helped.
Our creator, in His almighty wisdom, has left that empty spot open for a specific reason. A long time ago he decided to send us a part of himself so that we could experience His absolute goodness. That part of eternity came to us as Jesus of Nazareth, our Messiah and Savior.
Jesus wasn’t sent to us by the creator to be just a sacrifice and a role model for living a righteous life. He was given to us so that we could be fulfilled in the creator’s plan for our life, now and forever.
It is not about knowing about Jesus or simply meeting Jesus. Our existence is exclusively purposed for us to have an eternal ongoing relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Close your eyes and let them fill your heart with a new joy and a new future. Now you know why you are here at this moment. Now go build and enhance your new found relationship. Spend quality time in scripture (the whole bible-all 66 books) and private time with the spirit of the universe. There is no longer a hole in your heart. Now it is about time. The gap has been closed forever.